Minor Surgical Procedures
Minor operations are carried out at our Worcester clinic under local anaesthetic to remove small lesions such as chalazion, cysts, warts and skin tags, milia and Xanthalasmata, or to take a biopsy for diagnosis.
On the day of surgery please wear comfortable clothes and remove all jewellery. You may eat and drink normally before you attend. No make up should be warn if the lesion in question is on your face.
What To Expect
The area to be treated is numbed either with a cream or an injection. The anaesthetic cream takes approximately 30 minutes to work effectively; the anaesthetic injection stings as it is given but it makes the area numb within a few minutes. It may cause a little bruising at the site of injection.
Post-Operative Care
A dressing may be applied to the operated area. If the lesion is near the eye, it may cover your eye and it is inadvisable to drive home. The dressing may be removed several hours post
operatively or the following day if you prefer. Stitches, if used, may be absorbable and fall away over the week or so following the operation. In some instances non-absorbable stitches may be used and if this is the case arrangements will be made to remove them. You will be given a telephone number to contact if you have any concerns.
Localised swelling is likely; bruising is possible; the risk of infection is less than 1%. If the lesion is on or close to the lash line, there may be a risk of eyelash loss in the operated area.
Some lesions such as xanthelasmata and viral warts are known to have a risk of recurrence but can usually be treated again without any untoward effects.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have at any point prior to the procedure.
Price: Start from £400 (inclusive of post-operative appointments) depending on surgery needed.



Skin Tags

Cysts & Warts